Sales Associate State Exam Prep Course (Classroom)
Congratulations on wanting to prepare for success on the Florida Real Estate Sales Associate state exam with the BEST exam prep school in Florida!
Our 1-Day Sales Associate State Exam Prep Course is offered in our Fort Myers and Naples classrooms throughout the year. The course features in-class testing, high-impact review of exam content, and sample questions and answers. You'll like our instructors as they are energetic, entertaining and recognized as exam preparation experts.
Tuition and Materials: $99
NOTE: This class is an OPTIONAL course and you must complete the 63 Hour Sales Associate Pre-License Course prior to attending this course. We also gladly accept students who completed an equivalent course elsewhere.

Dates and Locations
One Day Class: One day from 8:30am to 4:30pm
We accept registrations all the way up to the course start time. If the course date you want is sold out, please call us at 239-344-7510 to be placed on our waiting list.
- Our Naples classroom is located at Marquesa Plaza - 13040 Livingston Rd, Suite 12, Naples, FL 34105.
- Our Fort Myers classroom is located at Pinebrook Park Plaza - 12995 S Cleveland Ave, Suite 175, Fort Myers, FL 33907.
Online Alternatives
If the course dates above are not right for you, you can start preparing for your exam RIGHT NOW through our LarsonLIVE instructor-led online class, or you can try our self-study online class.
What's Included?
In addition to the live review, this course includes:
- 140+ page course manual with detailed reviewable content
- 600+ sample questions provided in workbook and online format
- Two realistic online 100 question sample tests that will help you gauge your readiness for the state licensing test
- 20 question math review with full step-by-step explanations
Clean Education Experience
We work hard to deliver a safe, healthy and clean education experience. We're here to help you prepare for your class, so you’ll know exactly what to expect.
Cleanliness Protocols
- Sanitization - We use high-grade disinfectant in high-touch areas and we frequently wipe down high-touch surfaces. Hand sanitizer is available throughout the facility.
- Filtering Air - Hospital grade air filters are utilized throughout our HVAC systems.
- Single-Use Extras - Complimentary coffee and water stations are designed for single-use cups and condiments. Please do not dispense water or coffee into personal cups, mugs or bottles.
- Respect and Care - Showing respect and caring for everyone on our campuses is our top priority. It is the key to our students and staff having a comfortable education experience.
- Evaluate Your Current Health - To protect the well-being of all our students and staff, we ask that you make an evaluation of your health prior to coming to class. If you are sick or feeling unwell, please contact a Career Counselor at 239-344-7510 to discuss options for distance learning or for transferring your enrollment to a future class date.